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Stage 2


  • Beneficiaries: Speak to the charities' staff to understand the profile of the beneficiaries.

    • What are their needs?​

    • How can you enhance existing activities?

    • What are their strengths? How can you learn or tap on their resources?

  • Logistics: Finalise logistic details, e.g. food and transport.

  • Venue: Explore the venue and decide which compound (out of the 2 charities) are you using and why. Take photos.

  • Risk Assessment: Run the risk assessment of the venue and identify danger zones. 

  • Minutes: Take meeting minutes to document key points and actions to follow up. These also serve as reminders to refresh the team on what to do before the actual session.

Checklist for risk assessment


  1. List your first-aid and emergency procedures. Tailor these to the environment and the activities.

  2. Take note of the potential hazards and evaluate what are the risk-controls needed. 


Look below for useful templates (in .docx).


This form allows you to record your conversations with the charity reps when you head down to the respective charities which you are working with. Thus, you should have TWO sets of these - one for the elderly charity and the other for the children charity.


You should prepare questions to ask beforehand so that your meetings will be meaningful and productive.


This form allows you to record down observations of all the venues that you can possibly use. It is important to look out and evaluate the facilities available and the environment. This will help you to choose a suitable venue for your inter-generational bonding activities. Prepare one set for each location. 

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More information can be obtained from the Project Cheer Handbook.

© 2020 Tan Chin Tuan Foundation. All rights reserved.

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