Stage 5
Collating feedback
Financial Management
Looking beyond
Can your project be expanded/adapted for future use?
Tap on volunteering opportunities provided by TCTF!
Checklist for collating feedback
Ask the charities politely.
Craft succinct and easy-to-understand questions that measures the impact of your project.
Financial management
Make sure all expenditure is accounted for - receipts and records should be in place.
Take note of the budget as well - total expenditure should not exceed your budget.
Look below for useful templates (in .docx).
Meanwhile, reflect on the execution of your proposal and consider the continuity and sustainability of your project.
This is how a letter to your beneficiary organisation will usually look like. It will be good if you can customise the letter such that it better fits the activities your group conducted.
This will look somewhat similar to your list of materials in your logistics list. It is important to record actual spending, and remember to collect receipts for claiming.
It is important to reflect on your planning and execution of the activities. What can be done better? What did you learnt? These are some questions that you should ask yourself. In addition, you should ask think about the continuity of the project. For example, maybe you can encourage your friends to volunteer at the beneficiary organisations? There are endless possibilities!